We are researchers with background in different fields of social science and humanities. Our goal is to reflect upon modern childhoods and interdisciplinary research on the role of children in creating modern societies.
Our team
Magdalena Radkowska-Walkowicz is an associate professor at the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology of the University of Warsaw. She received her PhD in Sociology from the Graduate School for Social Research at the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Her academic interest is in medical anthropology, new reproductive technologies, cultural dimensions of kinship, genetics, childhood and youth studies. She is the author of numerous articles and books “Od Golema do Terminatora” (“From Golem to Terminator. Cultural Images of Artificial Man”), „Doświadczenie in vitro. Niepłodność i nowe technologie reprodukcyjne w perspektywie antropologicznej” (“The experience of IVF. Infertility and new reproductive technologies in anthropological perspective”), and the editor of numerous edited volumes. Vice-Dean for Research of Faculty of Culture and Arts at University of Warsaw. Member of Bioethics Committee of the Polish Academy of Science. She has two sons.
Zofia Boni is an anthropologist working at the Institute of Anthropology and Ethnology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. Her research interests, apart from childhood studies, include anthropology of food, and medical and environmental anthropology. She conducted ethnographic research on the moral economies and negotiations around children’s food. She defended her doctoral thesis on this topic at SOAS University of London. She also conducted ethnographic research on the social dynamics of childhood obesity in Poland. She includes children and adolescents in the research process. She is the author of the monograph Feeding Anxieties. The Politics of Children’s Food in Poland (2023, Berghahn Books).
Ewa Maciejewska-Mroczek works at the Institute of Ethnology and Culture Anthropology of the University of Warsaw. She is a doctor of sociology, polonist and americanist. She is the head of the Interdisciplinary Institute for Childhood Studies at the University of Warsaw. Her main academic interest is in childhood and the place children have in modern societies and cultures. She is mostly interested in how children’s right to be heard and fully participate in the social life is being realized. She wrote a book about the role of toys in the way children and childhood are socially constructed “Mrówcza zabawa. Współczesne zabawki a społeczne konsturowanie dziecka”. In the past she worked with children as English teacher, educator at a community centre, and tutor at children summer camps. She is a mother of three children.
Anna Krawczak is the head of Association for the Treatment of Infertility and Adoption Support NASZ BOCIAN. She graduated from the Institute of Polish Culture of the University of Warsaw. She is a member of the Interdisciplinary Institute for Childhood Studies, and a member of European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology. She co-authored a book “Drogi ku płodności” (“Paths to fertility”), and wrote numerous articles on the subject of intfertility. In her work, her main foucs is on the improvement of the situation of patients. She has two sons.
Maria Reimann is an anthropologist, a researcher, a PhD Candidate at the University of Amsterdam, and a member of the Interdisciplinary Institute for Childhood Studies. In her academic work she is interested in the way people form families and intimate relationships and the way they speak about it. In the past she worked with children as English language teacher and a volunteer in helpline for kids. She has a ten-year-old son.
Anna Witeska-Młynarczyk – is a social anthropologist working at the Institute of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Warsaw. She did her PhD at the University College London. Her dissertation was turned into a book titled Evoking Polish Memory. State, Self and the Communist Past in Transition. She is interested in medical anthropology, particularly strongly in child and youth psychiatry. She edited a volume Anthropology of child and youth psychiatry. Anthology of texts and I authored a manuscript Children’s ADHD experiences: an ethnography of a contested diagnostic category – a book based on an ethnographic research conducted in Poland in which she used participatory methods of childhood studies to understand children’s experiences. She currently works as member of a team in a research project focused on the Polish experiences of adoption.
dr Celina Antczak
prof. Maria Boratyńska
dr Anna Chowaniec
prof. Anna Cierpka
Dorota Gawlikowska
dr hab. n.med. Anna Kucharska
dr hab. Małgorzata Rajtar, prof. PAN